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Compliance at Klaeser

Stable business cooperation for the benefit of all can only

only be possible with fair competition and strict adherence to the
legal system. The management of the company Klaeser
is committed to ensuring that it does not commit compliance violations within the company

and in the associated business activities under no circumstances.

under any circumstances.

The compliance whistleblower system

Compliance whistleblower system

In order to fully meet the aforementioned requirements we have set up a
compliance whistleblower system
has been set up. This whistleblower system can be used to report violations to the internal internal reporting office set up by us.

Definition according to. § 2 (2) HinSchG: Violations are acts or omissions in the context of a professional, business or official activity that are unlawful and relate to regulations and concern regulations or areas of law that fall within the material scope of scope of application according to § 2 HinSchG.

Beyond the In addition to the scope of application of the HinSchG, problems with regard to the
10 principles of the UN Global Compact
can also be reported via this whistleblower system.

The whistleblower system gives our employees and temporary employees and temporary workers employed by us the opportunity to inform us securely and completely anonymously about relevant violations. information.

In addition, we also offer our customers and business business partners and other external parties who are in contact with us contact with us or who are affected by our services / products affected by our services/products, the opportunity to use our whistleblower system. system.

Together, we want to uncover violations in this way, optimize our processes and avoid risks.

External reporting offices

Of course, you also have the option of reporting compliance violations via the federal government’s external reporting offices:


Klaeser Compliance Team

Of course, you can also inform our compliance team about compliance violations by telephone or in person if required. However, you make it easier for us to process, track and report back on the measures taken if you submit a compliance report via the reporting system.

By reporting well-founded suspicions, you make a valuable contribution to our compliance process. Of course, we fully guarantee the legal protection for whistleblowers, so that you do not have to fear any disadvantages as a result of your report.

Further information on our compliance measures in our company can be found in our
compliance guideline
take. This serves to ensure impeccable and honest conduct on the part of all employees and to prevent corruption.


  • fulfills the legal requirements

  • improves its attractiveness to business customers, partners, investors, banks and employees

  • protects its reputation from scandals

  • protects itself and its employees from fines, prison sentences and liability risks

  • increases your own professionalism

  • recognizes risks earlier and

  • takes early and proactive action against violations

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